Autor: Tamires

When it comes to learning to crochet, there are also so many little things you need to learn that make a big difference in the production of a piece. And crochet tips for beginners are always welcome. Despite the excitement, you need to learn the perfect yarn for each project, the types of needles, what the basic stitches are, how to sew and how to read the chart. So here are some tips for crochet beginners: 1- Remove anything that might distract you before starting If your hair is long enough to hold, be sure to tie it back before…

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Does the practice of crochet remind you of your grandmother’s house? Certainly, many people have this emotional memory related to crochet. And no wonder, the hook really has this feature. However, even with the strong emotional appeal to it, the practice of this art has been expanding a lot and coming back to the surface. But with the appreciation of craftsmanship, crochet gained prominence and returned to fashion and home decor. And for this reason, more and more people are interested in this technique, either as a way to relax and let off steam, or to earn some extra money.…

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Hello crocheters, look I here once again bringing a wonderful tutorial in crochet of a Bag Bag that you will get in love, the official tutorial is in lilac color, but I did on the red line is beautiful, simply passionate, it is a quick bag, so be for thinking about entrepreneurship, it is worth investing in some pieces and produce. Exhibit in the atelier, it’s like I always say! Every crocheter has to be a marketer, take the piece after it’s ready and be a model, take great photos and make a great publicity, I’m sure it will be…

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Today’s tutorial is another gorgeous crochet handbag perfect to match any occasion, the whole crochet handbag matches any occasion, just dare and abuse the looks. So being you love crochet is want to learn a beautiful handbag, to use on a day to day, see today this amazing tutorial, all worked by hand. Once again, I would like to point out that crochet is the art of possibility, with thread and needle you can do whatever you want, today’s tutorial is a handbag model, all hand worked in circle, extremely cute, will give a more romantic tone to your look.…

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My site is rich in female tutorials, today brought a male tutorial, I like to innovate and hardly see around clothes in crochet for men, so I decided to bring the same. Let’s check out what this amazing tutorial looks like? First, I would like to say that I found the tutorial intermediate level, Did not find it difficult, feel difference in execution, because of the size. The clothes for men are much bigger, is that’s exactly what I feel difference, nothing too much is looked wonderfully beautiful, I loved it, I made one to gift my husband on cold…

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Today’s tutorial is really amazing, you will learn how to make a handmade handbag, all hand crafted that will make you super passionate, as I am! In fact, crochet is something I fall in love with and this tutorial I’m in love with, I started doing mine has a week, I’m already in the final process of production and I decided to come here to share, because really, it’s tutorial that is worth investing your time and money in developing. Another positive point of this tutorial is that it is a piece of easy output, namely, being you investing your…

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Crochet handbags have been fashion trends for a long time, you can make amazing combinations and make your look even more beautiful, delicate and romantic, as crochet is something more delicate, hand-crafted pieces have a different charm from any other. I came to share with you the difficulty I had to assemble this model, it was passion at first sight for this tutorial, I usually bring different things because I like to show how creative crochet is, how much it can allow you to think outside the box. I would like to point out, how much crochet has grown as…

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Crochet is super comprehensive when it comes to all kinds of jobs and creations. With it you can create accessories, clothes, rugs, pillows, decorations in general, blankets, hats and even pets for children. With creativity, technique and patience, you can create anything! That’s why this hobby has reached so many people and to help those who want to enter this world, we have some tips for beginners on how to learn to crochet. Materials needed in crochet practice: Basically you will need a thread and a needle! Of course, there are hundreds of yarns and different sizes of needles and…

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If you want to enter this world of crochet, we will give you some tips and the main materials before showing you the tutorial, and make no mistake, if you are a beginner in this art of crochet these tips will be very valuable! Crochet tips for beginners: In general, thick needles are for thick thread and thinner needles are for threads that are fine. You’ll know this by the type of work you’ll be doing, but it’s important to know that thick lines create more open stitches, while thinner lines create tighter stitches. Beginners are recommended to start with…

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Crochet was once thought of as an activity that only women and girls could do. Today it is considered a craft, and many people are ready to learn the most varied stitches for making crochet and various crafts with this material. Not to mention that there are some practice points, working not only with the hand, but also stimulating the head to learn more about the technique. This is why crochet can be recommended for people who suffer from stress or anxiety. He is de-stressing. If you want to learn how to crochet but don’t know where to start, check…

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