Check with me all the wonderful information I bring and like about the world of crochet!  Today the tutorial is to warm you on the cold days we are going through, beautiful, romantic and very versatile is a wonderfully beautiful piece.


The word crochet comes from a term of the Nordic dialect meaning hook (it’s the shape of the curved needle tip that gives the stitches), which also comes from crocodile, which has the same meaning in French.


No one knows for sure when or where crochet started. According to historians, crochet goes back to prehistory. The art of crochet as we know it today was developed in the 16th century.

Crochet occurs in one way or another in almost all of the world. Each culture has its own traditional designs, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Romantic Jacket in Crochet Debbies Bliss

Romantic Jacket in Crochet Debbies Bliss

Anyone, regardless of age, can crocheting. Children learn the basics quickly.

Did you know that we can divide the types of crochet yarn into three categories: synthetic yarns (acrylic, nylon, polyester), natural yarns (bamboo, cotton) and animal yarns (wool, cashmere).

In addition to knowing the line types, we must take into account the variation of the line width. The weight of the selected line determines the size of the crochet needle. The thicker the yarn, the larger the needle needed to crocheting.

Crocheting is ideal for those looking for a relaxed job and an additional source of income. You can make several different pieces with crocheting stitches to decorate your home like rugs, curtains, pillows, bedspreads, crochet flowers, among others.

An important tip for you to make beautiful pieces with perfect finish is this acquirer Yarns or wool of good quality and needles in the correct size.

For those who want to learn how to crochet, this activity is a relatively simple and economical technique. So we will teach you how to make some points and pieces so that you can get this rewarding work. See what we prepared especially for you in this tutorial. If you are a beginner I invite you to visit my site and look for the amazing information we have here about the tutorials.

The first thing to focus on when deciding what to do is to learn to be persistent, no one is born overnight to know how to crochet, but with zeal and performance you will surely learn how to do your best, so it’s building my brand today and I’m sure you can do that too.

I invite you to look at other wonderful tutorials on our following site:

Delicate Maritine Crochet Blanket

Crochet Colorful Blanket

The cool thing is that you choose a tutorial and challenge it, work from start to finish, trying to develop, as difficult as it may seem at first, gradually you will develop and evolve your productions.

At Pre a few months ago I developed crochet pieces as a pro, I’m sure if you focus you’ll get the same as me. The image and content of our samples are intended for the official website. You can find more information about this amazing tutorial here.