Crochet is super comprehensive when it comes to all kinds of jobs and creations. With it you can create accessories, clothes, rugs, pillows, decorations in general, blankets, hats and even pets for children. With creativity, technique and patience, you can create anything! That’s why this hobby has reached so many people and to help those who want to enter this world, we have some tips for beginners on how to learn to crochet.


Materials needed in crochet practice:


Basically you will need a thread and a needle! Of course, there are hundreds of yarns and different sizes of needles and materials, so it’s best to choose one and grow it little by little before buying everything you need.

When you decide that you really want to take up crocheting as a hobby, start investing in materials, buying new yarns with different yarns and needle sizes.

The needle is very comprehensive, each type of working thread requires a different needle size. Most threads suggest the standard size on the package so you can work, but over time you’ll know if it’s too comfortable for you or you want to increase the needle size for a fluffier job, for example how to decrease the closest proximity? Anyway, you explore with time…

But to get you started, just use a thinner needle for a thinner thread and thicker for thicker threads. You can also start using 2 or 3 strands to get a good job, so use a needle much larger than the recommended package.

Regarding the price, the most popular is super cheap, costing just a few dollars. Then you can invest in anatomical items, bamboo, cork, plastic, etc. according to your needs and purposes.

Specific materials to make the short jacket for children:

Line: You can choose the line or lines in the colors you prefer.
Hook: The hook used in the tutorial is 4mm, but its size depends on the thread you are using.
Needle: Let’s use the needles to hide the tails
Stitch markers: For this short jacket model we will use 5 stitch markers.
Scissors: We use them to cut the threads.
Measuring tape: We use the tape to measure the size of the threads and so that the model comes out as planned.

How to make a short crochet jacket for children:

In today’s tutorial we will see how to make a short crochet jacket for children, a beautiful piece that can be used for your child, niece, granddaughter and so on. In addition to being a beautiful gift, crochet clothes and accessories can also help you make an extra income in the month, have you ever thought about selling crochet materials?

This hobby, in addition to de-stressing and being relaxing, can help you make more money on a daily basis. Crochet pieces are super valued and beautiful, and it’s coming back, great time to start, huh?

To learn just watch the tutorial, the video is an easy to understand step by step, perfect for those who are starting and want to learn this art of crochet.

And don’t forget, be patient, if your first piece doesn’t come out with the result you wanted, breathe and try again, just like in other things, practice makes perfect and crochet would be no different!
The important thing is to enjoy the process, relax, after all, this practice has a reputation for being de-stressing, and having fun as you learn, until you get to the level you want!