To undertake within crochet is to be visionary and go letting creativity flow, the tutorial I bring today is another of the children’s branch that promises to entertain children, you know the puppet game? We can crochet everything we want.


Would you like to crochet? You dream of creating your own designs, we from Mom’s crochet have put together the best tips so you can start crocheting from scratch with all the guarantees of success. Take paper and pen because it’s time to write down the basic and essential tips for learning how to crochet. Take note, it interestsyou.


Crochet or crochet is a very easy and simple task to do, but it also helps us relax and unwind the mind. Maybe that’s why there are so many fans all over the world. Once you know everything you need to crochet and learn the basic techniques, it’s a matter of practicing to gradually increase your knowledge and level.


Puppet in frog crochet

Puppet in frog crochet

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Decorative Crochet Blanket

Exit in Crochet maternity boy


The first and most important is to choose the needle with which we will workwell, since much of the final success will depend on it. Just look at the sticker of the balls where the type of needle you need is indicated. If we have lost the label, the wool should never exceed the size of the needle hole. And in addition, the nozzle should be well aligned with the line. That would be the perfect size. The choice of needle will also depend on the work we want to do with it.


If you are a beginner, the most important thing to remember is that the smallest numbers correspond to the thicker wires. That is, a number 3 wire is thicker than a size 30 wire. So, if you’re starting out, it’s best to start with size 3 or 5 wires and a large tip needle. It will be much easier to start getting the hang of crochet.


Create a workplace where you feel comfortable and in good lighting. At first it may seem silly, but gradually, and as you work with thinner wires, you will realize the importance of having good lighting to avoid visual fatigue.


It is worth working with ergonomic hooks that adapt perfectly to our hands and fingers so that we do not get hurt, because we have to exert a lot of strength and tension throughout the process. Invest in good hooks and you’ll get half the winnings.


The crochet or crochet technique, as you prefer to call it, is something you learn from practice. At first it is normal that it takes time and the result is simple, but the more you practice, the more fluency you will have. Crochet has no mystery.


Even if you’re a beginner, you’ve definitely started looking for information on how to crocheting and for sure you know very well that there are countless different crochet stitches, but we should always start at the beginning: the montage, the current stitch, the low point and then the high point.

You’ll also need a meter to be precise in everything you do, a pin and needle kit, a crocheting kit, steel needles, a thread counter, and a measuring tape. All materials used must be of quality, including wool.

Having this, you will be able to recreate what you want, it is important to point out, that this complex of tips is just because you are starting and I wanted to give you a horizon, more with thread and needle you can already reproduce a lot.

Let’s go to but a tutorial? The image credits and content of the same is intended for the official website, which you can check more information by clicking here.