Today’s tutorial is more of a cute one, the crochet blankets are well present in the life of any newborn, in reality it is part of the baby trousseau having a crochet blanket.
I was doing some research on the internet and Came across this amazing tutorial, I like to make blankets and have some different ones available in my atelier.
Because it has a very interesting output flow from normal, the cool thing is that when you learn to make a blanket you be wraps with the point, because usually it is the same point from start to finish, just give a varied and difference even at the edges.

Sea crochet blanket
So if you’ve come this far stay with us until the end to make this blanket simply beautiful, it’s a blanket more focused on the boy’s world, because it will remind you of the sea bear.
The combination of colors and beauty since tutorial is exactly in the lightness of being a child, I made this blanket should be about 15 days and it was exposed in my atelier, even sold.
It is a piece of fast output, easy point and very versatile to be do, I like work with children’s pieces because it has very fast output in the market.
So if you are a person who is starting now in this branch is want to start working with crochet, it is super worth investing in the children’s business, since the return is output is very good.
I myself keep looking at several and always bring news here, because it is a well-used niche and that is well worth investing, its time in producing pieces of children’s crochet, the cool good is that you can play a lot with the models you will love.
Today’s tutorial is very simple, even being a beginner you will be able to produce this piece without difficulty, I would like to emphasize the importance of looking through out the path of the tutorial walkthrough made available here.
Another tip I leave you that is starting is invest your time in learning, take our site, scour all of it and choose easy development tutorials, do one piece at a time.
Each time you finish a tutorial, it will be motivate to make another, so it is worth it because so you will learn, sell and make each will learn how to make other different pieces.
I started like this, in fact at the time I only knew how to make dish cloth point and very badly a few paninhos to adorn my mother’s bookcase at first, it was quite difficult I did not have much motivation to learn.
Check out other amazing tutorials like this on our following website:
Crochet Tutorial on Vest Model
What made me put laziness aside and dive even into this world of creativity, was unemployment, I had to have something in my life different from everything available in the market and that I could actually reinvent myself, I started slowly more today I see how much it was worth.
I would like to make it clear that all the tutorials shared here is authored and credit from the official website, it is worth checking out and enjoying the work of these wonderful designers that we share here.
Come check out today the tutorial of this wonderful sailor blanket by clicking here.

Sea crochet blanket