Does the practice of crochet remind you of your grandmother’s house? Certainly, many people have this emotional memory related to crochet. And no wonder, the hook really has this feature. However, even with the strong emotional appeal to it, the practice of this art has been expanding a lot and coming back to the surface.


But with the appreciation of craftsmanship, crochet gained prominence and returned to fashion and home decor. And for this reason, more and more people are interested in this technique, either as a way to relax and let off steam, or to earn some extra money.


If you want to get started in this new world of crochet, stay tuned to this post and we will give you some of the tips you need. Let’s start by talking about the materials we are going to use in this crochet model?

Buffalo plaid cardigan

Materials needed to make “buffalo plaid” cardigan for girls:

The most suitable lines are suitable for babies as they have antiallergic properties. In this video we use more than one color because of the checkered print, you can choose the colors you prefer and like the most.

To create this model we will use the 4mm hook, but on the label of all the lines there is an instruction with the specification of which is the best hook to use, that is, each line has an appropriate hook size to be used.

In the case of this crochet pattern, we will use the needle to hide the tails, but it is not always necessary in the process.

We used this material in creating the dress.

For this model we will use 5 to 6 buttons depending on the size of the coat. You can choose the buttons you prefer, choosing the model that you like the most and that matches the colors you are going to use in the crochet construction.

Point Markers:
We recommend using 14 stitch markers to make the creation process easier, but if you have less than that number, don’t worry, just keep reusing the stitch markers as needed during the crochet process.

Measuring tape:
We cannot forget about the tape measure, it is extremely necessary so that everything is the ideal size and so that the final result comes out as planned.

How to make “buffalo plaid” cardigan for girls:

Starting a new hobby can be complicated, but at the same time cool and challenging. Gathering information on how to get started can be difficult, but this tutorial will be a great helper for you!

If you’re interested in learning how to crochet and you’re worried about how to get started, don’t worry! The step-by-step video will show you each action that you must do and it is simple to understand, it will give you all the necessary information so that you can carry out the execution of the crochet coat with checkered pattern.

If this is your first contact with this world of crochet, don’t forget to enjoy the process, this is an activity that relaxes and de-stresses, and who knows, maybe it becomes a hobby for you?

If your first model doesn’t come out the same as the tutorial, don’t be discouraged, this practice is like all the others, you will evolve as you try!