If you want to enter this world of crochet, we will give you some tips and the main materials before showing you the tutorial, and make no mistake, if you are a beginner in this art of crochet these tips will be very valuable!

    Crochet tips for beginners:

    In general, thick needles are for thick thread and thinner needles are for threads that are fine. You’ll know this by the type of work you’ll be doing, but it’s important to know that thick lines create more open stitches, while thinner lines create tighter stitches.

    Beginners are recommended to start with thinner lines as they are easier to work with. However, a thicker thread with a thinner needle can help someone starting to sew more firmly.

    Crochet lines are made in twisted layers forming a kind of string, the more layers, the thicker and numbered the line.

    The most commonly used materials for knitting are cotton and wool. String is a fiber widely used for rugs, as it is thicker and gives a more rustic look to the piece. An advantage of the yarn is that it is possible to make parts faster, depending on the thickness of the yarn, with this the work yields more

    At first, prefer single-color thread, they make it easier to see the stitch. Colored or mixed lines are being placed on the model as you practice a little more and create more experience, after all, practice makes perfect, don’t you think?

    Be sure to check the yarn package for the most appropriate needle size. Usually on the packaging of the lines it says the most appropriate size of the hook to be used, so it is easier to know which is the best model to use for each line.

    Baby Hodie

    About materials:

    The thread and the needle are the north of his work. However, since no one is perfect, especially beginners, unforeseen things often happen, such as a knot in the flow or a line that needs to be undone too much to redo, make the flow lose quality.

    Seam markers are also important in situations where you need to control the start and end of a row, especially for round and rectangular pieces.

    The tape measure is also very important in the construction of the model that you will create, the whole process needs to be measured for everything to go according to plan, so it will be a lot easier to have a tape measure during the construction of the crochet.

    Materials needed to make your “braided” baby hoodie:

    Line: you can choose the line according to the color you prefer.
    Needle: will be needed for handling.
    Buttons: For this crochet model we will use 4 or 5, depending on your preference for the sequence of buttons, the material model is up to your taste, choose the buttons that you like the most.
    Hook: use the hook according to the line you choose to use.
    Scissors: of any model or size, we will only use them to cut the thread.
    Measuring tape: to help measure the piece so that everything goes as planned.
    Stitch Markers: We’ll use about 5 stitch markers in this braided sweatshirt pattern for babies.

    How to make the braided baby hoodie:

    The tutorial is a step by step on how to make a braided sweatshirt for babies. The video is to help those who want to learn the art of crochet and with an explanatory video it is possible and very simple to learn.

    So if you were curious to make and are interested in making the braided sweatshirt for babies, just follow the tutorial calmly and follow to the final result!
